May 1, 2020
Middle School Math Teacher Position
Notice of Vacancy- March 17, 2020
Position: Middle School Math Teacher- Wolf Branch Middle School
Salary: Per Teacher Salary Sche...
May 1, 2020
Middle school Update 3/26/2020
The district has put together a timeline of events regarding the renovation of the Wolf Branch Middle School from the beginning of the mine subs...
May 1, 2020
All in This Together - #WB Strong T-Shirts organized by the Wolf Branch PTC. For each shirt purchased, $10 will be Donated. Go to this link & purchase your shirts. Thank You.
May 1, 2020
"Brown Bag" lunches will be available for pick up from our school office daily 11:00-1:00, beginning Thursday, March 19th. Please contact Cathy Wilson (cwil...
February 27, 2020
Newsletter Feb. 27th.
Putting text here about the great things happening at Wolf Branch.
Go Wolverines!