What a great first full week back! Our Elementary Office Staff rocks! Get some rest for round two next week! 🎉🎉🎉
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
three ladies
Wolf Branch Middle School PICTURE DAY Mon., August 29, 2022 Order On-Line using Code 70246YA Or there are some order forms in the Middle School Office
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
Wolf Branch Middle School Picture Day - Mon., August 29, 2022
Wolf Branch Middle School Picture Day Prices
Wolf Branch Middle School Order form
Middle School Picture Day is Monday, August 29th! Please check your email from Inter-State Studio to see how to purchase.
over 2 years ago, Stacey Sommerfield
Our Middle School Office Staff is excited to see students daily! Gary loves shining the windows before everyone gets here!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
picture of office staff
picture of cleaning windows
Family Movie Night, featuring "Sing 2”, is scheduled for this Friday, August 26th at the amphitheater in Schranz Park! 🎥 🍿 In lieu of ticket sales, let’s treat the teachers!!! Bring the following needed supplies with you to donate: post-it notes - colored copy paper - card stock - scissors - stickers - paper towels - legos - dice- clorox wipes - play doh - sharpies - cute notepads - games Concessions will be open for snacks and drinks at 7:00 PM. Welcome back to school, and thank you for supporting the PTC!
over 2 years ago, PTC President
family movie night
🌸 Flower Day is Friday, May 13th! 🌸 Paper flyers will be sent home with elementary students, but if you’re doing any planting this weekend, please consider picking up flowers for your children to bring to school next week. 🌺 Also, if you’re able, we’d appreciate any extra flowers you’re able to donate. PTC wants to make sure that all elementary students can participate in Flower Day planting. 🌻 Thanks so much!
over 2 years ago, PTC President
flower day
Wolf Branch Is Hiring Pre-K Aide Come Join Our Team!!
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
2022-2023 Pre-K Aide Position Open
The 5th graders were getting familiar with being at the middle school!
over 2 years ago, Stacey Sommerfield
Thank you to those that attended the middle school new parent and safety meeting. We had a great turn out! See everyone tomorrow for our first day of school! Remember we have early dismissal!
over 2 years ago, Stacey Sommerfield
open house
Baseball, softball, and soccer has been canceled due to weather. Games will be made up tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Stacey Sommerfield
What a great turnout at WB Elementary Open House! Thank you Officer Kurt and the Swansea PD for helping to keep our kiddos safe! We look forward to seeing everyone Wednesday!
over 2 years ago, Jen Poirot
Swansea pd
One more week-Wolverines! We can’t wait for you to see all the new, exciting things waiting for you! Teacherease will be opened Friday to view your child’s teacher. If you are unable to access that information please finish all registration requirements.
over 2 years ago, Jen Poirot
open house
climbing wall
4th Annual Striking Out Cancer Baseball/Softball Games vs Smithon Cougars at Grizzly Stadium Sat., August 27, 2022 Baseball - 9:00 a.m. Softball - 11:00 a.m.
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
4th Annual Striking Out Cancer-Baseball & Softball Games
Wolf Branch Middle Schoo Locker Set Up Day Grades 5th thru 8th Fri., August 12, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
2022/2023 Middle School Locker Set Up Day
Wolf Branch is Hiring B.A.S.I.C. Coordinator for the 2022/2023 School Year
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
B.A.S.I.C. Coordinator
Wolf Branch Elementary School Is Hiring a Library Aide for the 2022/2023 School Year
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
2022/2023 Elementary Library Aide
Wolf Branch School District #113 Is Hiring a Pre-K thru 8th Grade School Social Worker
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
2022/2023 - Pre-K thru 8th School Social Worker
Wolf Branch Is Hiring For - Afternoon B.A.S.I.C. Come Join our Team!
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
Hiring - Afternoon B.A.S.I.C.
The elementary school library will be closed today. Please join us Thursday from 4-6 p.m. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Jen Poirot
Wolf Branch School Is Hiring for B.A.S.I.C. After School Care
over 2 years ago, Susie Gray
Wolf Branch Hiring: B.A.S.I.C. After School Care