HAPPY LAST DAY, WOLVERINES! https://www.wevideo.com/view/1715329334
almost 5 years ago, Jen Poirot
JUST A REMINDER Happy Retirement Drive By Celebration for: - Sheri Barbeau - Darla Bridges - Debbie Pope TODAY - Wed., May 20th from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. At Wolf Branch - drive through drop off lane between Lots B & C
almost 5 years ago, Susie Gray
Happy Retirement Drive By Celebration
Congratulations to our IPA award winners Michelle Chao and Abby Koester! We are proud of you! 🎉
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Sommerfield
Abby Koester, Mrs. Poirot, and Mrs. Sommerfield
Michelle Chao, Mrs. Poirot, and Mrs. Sommerfield
Happy Retirement Sheri Barbeau, Darla Bridges & Debbie Pope Come Say Goodby in a Drive By Celebration Wed., May 20th from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Wolf Branch School (Drive thru the drop off lanes between lots B & C)
almost 5 years ago, Susie Gray
Happy Retirement
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! Wolf Branch couldn’t be Wolf Branch without you! Thank you for everything you do for us;). We hope you enjoy this beaut day!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
Need School Supplies? You can order from The Write Stuff. www.write-stuff.com/storefront/school/WBES
almost 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Today begins Teacher Appreciation Week! Parents, thank you for joining forces and helping us continue our teaching through this journey! WB Teachers and Staff, thank you for always stepping up no matter the challenge! We are proud to have each of you on our team! Enjoy your week!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
WB Students and Parents, Check out our new website--It's everything Wolf Branch, in your pocket! Download the app and visit the new www.wbsd113.org to see the progress!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
Everything Wolf Branch
We are excited to share our "Live Camera" feed for the Middle School Construction. Check out what Holland's been up to daily! https://app.oxblue.com/open/hollandcs/wolfbranchms
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
New Covid-19 Update has been posted
almost 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Wolf Branch Virtual Book Fair May 4th thru May 17 Elementary School Link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/wolfbranchelemschool Middle School Link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/wolfbranchmiddleschool
almost 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
book fair
Renderings for the Renovation/Rebuild of the Wolf Branch Middle School
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Sanderson
Part 1
Part 3
Part 2
IAR Testing starting next month. Hope everyone is ready to go!
about 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Sending good vibes at half time!! Down 25-22 GO WOLVERINES 💙🐾🏀
about 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Wolverines cheer on the basketball team at half time
Great start to the volleyball season with a 1st place finish in the Whiteside Jamboree! Way to go girls and good luck with the rest of your season!
about 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Wolf Branch volleyball team
Wow! What a great week! Monday WB hosted area principals to showcase our Talent Town playroom, Tuesday our St. Clair County KIDS Coach, Connie Barre, hosted a make and take professional development session with area kindergarten teachers from 4:00-6:00 to show-off our playroom and today, we were blessed with a great professional development session lead by Dr. Kelly West from St.Clair County ROE on climate and culture...it’s been a busy week! ❤️ our WB Community!
about 5 years ago, Wolf Branch School District 113
Working in the animal hospital!
They love our market!
Sharing the room and ideas with local kindergarten teachers.
Area principals sharing wonderful practices from their buildings!